from Haiblues
Tiny poems
what use are you?
Gravel paths
Mark Kuniya
Gardnerville, NY
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Arrival
We have arrived without luggage
in a country we don't recognize
among people who distrust us
where the walls have no windows
and the doors open only
for the chosen. We are home at last.
David Chorlton
Phoenix, AZ
silent -
 the flower
I gave you
Stanford M. Forrester
 Wethersfield, CT
a leaf of grass
bows down
under a praying mantis
Francis Masat
Key West, FL
alone - dusk enters
my living room
forgets to leave
ayaz daryl nielsen
boulder, co
these small moments --
drop by drop
the bowl fills
Serena Fusek
Newport News, VA
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