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Beneath Cherry Blossoms - The Lilliput Review Blog

Thursday, 11 October 2007

Harold Pinter and Cid Corman


October seems to be crunch month.  There is so much to do, truly so little time.  Besides teaching a poetry class, there are two guest lecture spots I need to do, all this from someone who became a librarian because he didn't want to teach.  Zip drive crashes, two new issues to get out and, oh, yeah, that pesky full-time job.  So it goes, indeed.

This week was Harold Pinter's birthday and he reminds us how truly awful the state of the world is.  If you have not seen his Nobel Prize lecture, Art, Truth & Politics, it is a must.  Steel yourself for the truth, because that is what you will get and it is doesn't get any uglier.     



Issue #125 of Lilliput Review was something of a celebration of the truth: a broadside by the master poet, Cid Corman.  I've talked about Cid in previous posting and his generosity to even the humblest of publications.  So, rather than belabor you further with my inadequate musings, I'll let him speak for himself.  The broadside was entitled Only.


You're going

to have to


die.  Let life

prepare you.



There are reasons for

reasons excuses excuse

and there you are - here.




To feel what it is

was to be or have been this

only this moment.



Posted by donw714 at 08:50 EDT | Post Comment | View Comments (4) | Permalink
Updated: Friday, 26 October 2007 08:13 EDT

Sunday, 14 October 2007 - 13:02 EDT

Name: "LAV"
Home Page: http://libraryalchemy.wordpress.com

C'est vrai!

I have a galley I think you'd like...will have to let you and RK battle it out for it...

Monday, 15 October 2007 - 06:33 EDT

Name: "Don"
Home Page: https://donw714.tripod.com/lillieindex.html/


It'll have to be me then, it's a seniority thing ...  Don


Thursday, 25 October 2007 - 15:04 EDT

Name: "Ed Coletti"
Home Page: http://edcolettip3.blogspot.com/

Wowzer, Don!  Moby Grape!  I arrived in Army uniform during the summer of love and never left the Bay Area.  I've always maintained that Moby Grape has been underappreciated.

Boy oh boy did you ever hit it with "the 2 numbers perfectly highlight how they could rock (despite some bad mic-ing) and also write and perform a timeless ballad ("8:05")."


Thank you for this trip.  By the way I'm an Aquarius.


Ed Coletti

Santa Rosa, Ca 

Friday, 26 October 2007 - 08:02 EDT

Name: "Don"
Home Page: https://donw714.tripod.com/lillieindex.html/

Hey, Ed, thanks.  Funny how things happen.  A couple of weeks back, my wife and I went to the woods to do some hiking and I took the first Moby Grape album for the trip up.  She'd never heard it.  Though no rock maniac, she's very open to music and really liked it alot.

Who'd a thought, 40 years later.  




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