Lilliput Review is a print magazine founded in 1989 and dedicated to the short poem. The
magazine's normal format, 4.25 x 3.5", reflects its name and that focus. It is published every 90 to 120 or so days,
two issues at a time, with every 4th issue being a broadside featuring the work of a single poet. All poems submitted
should be 10 lines or less, with a 3 poem maximum per submisssion. All
manuscripts must be accompanied by a SASE (self-addressed, stamped envelope) or IRC (International reply coupon) with sufficient
postage for their return or they will be placed in the trash. All poems should be previously unpublished, unless noted.
Payment for work accepted is 2 copies of the issue in which the work appears. Reporting time is 60 to 90 days. No
electronic submissions considered.
Lilliput Review was a 2006 nominee for an Utne Reader
Independent Press Award for "General Excellence" in the category of Zines.
For more information see the Utne Reader, November-December, 2006 or January-February, 2007 or
click here. |
Subscriptions and sample copies of back issues of Lilliput are available according to the price
schedule listed below. All issues from #2 through the current issues (#'s 155 & 156) are in print.
Subscriptions & Sample Copy Price Schedule
1 issue = $1.00 or a SASE or 2 stamps
6 issues = $5.00
15 issues = $10.00
Institutions: 12 issues = $12.00
Payment should be made out to:
"Don Wentworth"
#154 - Sample pages
Back Issue Archive - Sample Pages
Modest Proposal Chapbook Series
Lilliput Review Don Wentworth, Editor 282
Main Street Pittsburgh, PA 15201 <lilliputreview>
Please note, a space has been inserted in the email address in order to avoid annoying email harvesting bots. Please remove
the space when sending email.
Dedicated to the memory of Albert Huffstickler.
Click here for Huff reading "Education."
There is a brand new index to Lilliput Review, Issues 1-158, done by the poet, editor,
and indexer extraordinaire, M. Kei . Click here.

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